When you've reach a certain age or been in a relationship for a certain period of time people start to push their expectations on you. I have lost count of the "When are you getting married" or "You guys should buy a condo" You never hear "Let me pay for your wedding" or "Here's a condo, on me" Ha! the odds of hearing that are slimmer than me winning lotto 649 Jackpot. Then once you have the marriage and the home, they'll will be pressuring you to have a child. It never ends.
The funniest thing to me is it's not even my parents saying this stuff. Sometimes its people I hardly even know or speak to. Do what works for you and I'll do what works for me.
I was never the little girl dreaming of her dream wedding, her prince charming and having a bunch of ankle biters. As I grew up and now that I'm getting older I am just now entertaining the idea. I am lucky enough to have found awesome lover, friend and soul-mate. As a matter of fact I have no doubt in my mind that he will be my future husband, future father of my child(yes I've agree to ONE). However this will happen in due time when WE are good and ready. In the mean time you do you and I'll do me.
Ebonydivine g
Agreed. Do what works for you, not what others expect or think you should do!! I live by this!
Tell em'!!!
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